Romance Scam Recovery

So you have been a victim of internet dating scam, and you want
to make sure you recover your lost money TRACK FORCE RECOVERY Provides a free consultation,
and they aim to identify and recover our clients’ lost funds with the proper documentation.
The organization offers legit recovery services in internet and romance scam recovery and more..

Online Romance Scam

Online dating sites are popular ways to meet someone new. Unfortunately, scammers sometimes use this platform to try to steal your heart and your money.

Here’s how these scams typically work. Scammers create fake online profiles using photos of other people. They profess their love early on, even though they have never met you. They encourage you to communicate with them via email, phone or IM, rather than through the online dating site, so that the dating service won’t have a record of the conversation. They often claim to be traveling, living or working abroad to explain why they are unable to meet in person. Once they have your romantic interest and your trust, they make up stories about how they urgently need money and ask you to wire it to them. Your money disappears, along with your new romantic partner..


features of romance scams

  • The victim is usually contacted through social media.
  • Soon after the initial contact, the scammer says they want to share a future in Finland, a country they seem to know already quite well. Plans to visit Finland, however, often come to nothing because of unfortunate circumstances.
  • There is almost always some reason that video calls with the scammer are not possible.
  • Often the scammer has come into an inheritance or a large sum of money for some other reason.
  • One common aspect of these scams is that the scammer wants to send a large sum of money to the dating partner, but the partner first has to send money to the scammer so that the transfer can be completed.

Often the scammer wants the money to be sent to some other person’s bank, not to the scammer directly. Requests for money can also involve some emergency, such as hospital expenses, the payment of wages in a company they own, customs tariffs, unemployment, divorce, or the death of a close person.

Requests for money can be repeated many times, and the scammer may show receipts or other official documents in support of the cause. The scammer may also have other people who will prove the authenticity of the situation. It is not unheard of that the victim is contacted by a bank clerk, customs official or doctor acting on behalf of the scammer. Emails can come from all sorts of addresses, although the most commonly used address format is

The scammer will also blame the victim if they are unable or unwilling to make the required money transfer.

The scammer will often offer proof of their reliability by, for instance, sending pictures of themselves in which they appear with animals or children or at some workplace that inspires trust. The scammer may also provide links to the website of their company. The scammer usually says they are well off, have a good job and are in good physical condition.

The scammer is very good at refuting any doubts one may have about them.

Do you think you may have been a victim of a romance scam?
  • Do not send any more money to anyone,
  • get in touch with your bank,
  • report the scammer to the police, and
  • discuss your situation with us.

We Can Help You Recover Your Funds

What are you waiting for, you are a click away from recovering your stolen digital assets. Contact us now.